Injector Balance rates


Slum Lord
Apr 3, 2006
OK the last time this was explained to me ..I really wasn't in the state of mind to pay attention to what CAP was talking about...Sorry Chris.

Can someone explain to me, when I check rates, what exactly I'm looking for? I want to know between what numbers am I safe. and when I check it what is it checking? Thanks.
IIRC, you're checking how much the ECM is compensating for the injectors being worn and missing their queue to fire at the correct millisecond for that crank angle. I believe the dealerships won't replace them under 7% and < 4% is considered perfectly happy.

I know on a Predator you want to be in between -4 to +4 in park & -6 to +6 in drive holding the brake. I think the dealer will not replace unless its at 8 in Park. Diesel additive will help lower the values, so don't run it for a while before trying to get some replaced by the dealer.
Thanks Guys last time we checked everything was fine...I just couldn't remember the numbers.