Injector Haze


New member
Oct 16, 2008
I have a 98 12v with some weston's 5x.014s that probably have 20k+ on them (previous owner purchased them and installed them on 5-29-09), fresh sdx comps, and 21.5 degrees timing. I has a pretty good haze all the time even when it warms up. I also am running a .20 over gasket.

Is this normal? My biggest concern is it didn't before I blew my HG and now it does. I was thinking the .20 over gasket plus timing and maybe the wrong thickness injector copper maybe is the reason? Would pulling these injectors and having them gone through clean them up? I can't remember which injector coppers I used when I put them back in the head if that could be the problem?
Did it haze before the delivery valve change? Headgasket could be part of the issue, as could a thicker bottom gasket, getting the injectors checked is never a bad idea.
My '96 had a little increase in haze just going with the .010" over gasket, but then it had around 380k on it at the time.
Spencer, I can't remember which washers I used. About what thickness should I use?

Weston, Yes it did haze before the delivery valves. I don't think it has gotten any worse since the DV swap.

Vaughn, I'm thinking the gasket is probably my issue. When I get the extra cash I'm going to have the injectors popped for good measure and see which washers I used and maybe switch to a thinner one if it's possible.