injector pump problem


New member
Jul 27, 2008
Since tueseday my truck will start up just fine then it cuts out and takes about 20sec. to crank over, today I looked at it when it was running and there was a fitting,(not sure which one) i think it goes the the fuel filter,
anyway it was running and I took a look and there was fuel coming out of the end of the fiting, then I realized there are threads inside of what happed to the end piece? did it fall out? I also checked for codes and I think I have to replace the lift pump and maybe injector pump?
What you are describing sounds like the schrader valve is gone out of the fitting on the side of the pump. Leaking fuel will cause those symptoms. $.02
Thats what it sounds like to me, it should just be a regular valve core style. or its just backed out a little and you can tighten it back in.