injector question


Apr 24, 2006
I'm buying some parts off a warrantied engine change.(fluidampr,welded intake for egr cooler delete,ficm,03 turbo etc.)
My question is about the injectors.
How can I tell if they are aftermarket and what size?
This engine had fire ringed heads, coolant lines running from I believe the thermostat housing to the back of the heads, plus the parts that I'm looking at. Also transmission was an aftermarket build. I'm just wondering if it could have bigger injectors because of all the other work done to it.
The guy that owns the tuck bought it used from a Kia dealership and has no idea of what was done to the truck.
Most of the time the injector builder will mark them with a way to identify them for build date or serial number.
Is this a mark I would be able to identify myself looking at the top of the injector, or do I need to pull it out of the head?
I noticed the injectors I got from Josh had "1X", "2X", etc engraved on the sides of them. (Easy to see)
I found that Ryan engraves his in a different spot, that can not be seen unless you take them apart completely. (Not so easy...but I like the way he thinks.:evil)
I forget the size of the spanner wrench that you need. Things are TIGHT though.
The only mark I could see is this "x" on the side off each injector


Also all the injector r&r write ups say you need a small socket to push the copper washer on. This one fell off when I took the injector out. Is it just burned up so the center of the washer is now bigger?

Injectors always get new copper washers and o rings prior to being installed as far as I know.
The only mark I could see is this "x" on the side off each injector


Also all the injector r&r write ups say you need a small socket to push the copper washer on. This one fell off when I took the injector out. Is it just burned up so the center of the washer is now bigger?


Can you get a better pic of the last injector? It looks like its burned up the base. The bottoms shouldn't be black.
Here are the pictures of the other injectors out of the same head.
Is the one that's all black still good?

Also does anyone know if those X's are someones mark?




That copper washer looks just like the ones I took out of my early 03' . They were all original. Also the part # on the cap of the spool valve also had c94 at the end of the number.
The black one can be cleaned up. Replace the o-rings and the coppers and it will be good. The black was from combustion leaking past the copper. If it continued it would have gotten the lower fuel o-ring and then you get combustion in the fuel.
What should I clean it with?
So I should be able to put these in my truck and it will run fine as long as they're still original size correct?
Mine are having problems in the morning and these were good.
Also these are the C95's my injectors are still the originals I think, I don't know if that makes a difference.
I have seen 03s with different numbers on them all the time. And the new 2003 injectors from the ford dealer has different numbers on them as well. You can use some scotchbrite on the bottoms of them. Then wire brush the hole with a brass brush.
i don't know if you have already found out who the injectors came from.... but they look just like the River City Diesel injectors that Josh builds. I have a set of 180's that I just bought from another member and they are marked exactly as the ones in the pics you posted.....Hope this helps