Innovative race FICM re-installed


Joe Nobody!
Apr 21, 2006
Holy mother of God! I forgot how it performed. I fixed the bad injector miss, and deleted the fuel bowl today, while I was at it, I figured I would reinstall the Innovative race FICM. I forgot how it felt on the low end. It acts like a gasser on the bottom end. I will try to get some video's tomorrow. I will be replacing the passenger side up pipe tomorrow first though.

Only negative, when its cold, it runs like crap, and I mean crap. :bang
I think so Tim, only 9 months. The bucking was fixed with the check valves, but the miss was still there. I think I figured it out today. Gonna take some more driving to figure it out for sure.
Anywhere in the country other than south florida. And a cold front came through here last night so.... Tim will just have to light a little bunson burner under his oil pan for a little bit.
I just figured a Texans idea of cold and my idea of cold may be slightly different.
Nah, Tim's a badass. He is always telling me about it. Sometimes I'm like ok man, calm down over there. But he swears he can shotgun 12 beers, tell the tower everything is go for takeoff, and then take off blindfolded. Something about he knows how fast he is going by the thumpity-thump of the tires...
That is hog wash. I never use the blindfold for takeoff......only landings. It gets boring sometimes and you have to make it interesting. LOL

Cold is any time the oil is not warm for the purposes of this thread. Cold to me is anything below 50. I live i the south for a reason. LOL
AAAAAtention passengers, every now and then Boeing has us test wingload capacity. Today's flight is extra heavy so...... We are going to perform some manuvers. Will the passengers in rows 10-14 who have a clear view of the wings please notify the flight staff if any cracks are visable in the airframe. If you do not feel up to this task, please stop being a punk. You bought the ticket, now help a buddy out. That is all...
Atleast its a boeing and not death by wire...unless your in a 777 or nextgen 737's.
Otto, you don't know Otto? Shirley you can't be serious! LOL He is the secret behind all that is good in the aviation world.

My favorite line is 'It looks like I picked a bad week to quit sniffin' glue'. I also like the part when the old lady starts speaking Jive.