Installed my TS MP8....Got a few Questions..

Big Swole

Jun 28, 2007
Installed my MP8 last night and have a few questions:

1)The dial has no messurements on it and does not turn 360 degrees, So I guess you have to just make your best guess what 50%, etc. is???

2) Several of you guys say not to go over 50%, I did try 100 % a few times....Not much dif between them that I could feel in my little testing time....I did notice that at 70mph where my tranny won't down shift that when i hit the pedal, it seems to hesitate before taking off with the extra power.....AS OPPOSED to hitting hit and then rolling the dial towards 100%....It seemed to work better by doing this...... Anybody have anything they can share on how best to work this thing???

3) I still have stock sticks and I do notice a difference in power with the MP8 but not as much as I thought I would.....Maybe I'm just getting used to my power level........Does Adding bigger Sticks/nozzels make a bigger difference with the MP8???? I think i read someone said that it really works well with bigger sticks???

Anyway, my main reason for this thread is because since the dial has no real measurements on it and its hard to tell when its turned up unless im out WOT, I was just wondering if it was working right?? TS really didn't have much info in the box about the thing.......

At 100% I can feel a difference, Is it really that bad to run it at 100%???

I'll do more testing soon when it finally stops raining here.........I just wanted to know what you guys think and your past experience with the MP8

Thanks in advance!!
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Big Swole,
This is Randy from TS. Give me a call at the shop and I will be more than happy to answer all the questions you have. If you call the shop and I am unavailable, any of the guys there can help you out.
I'd say get a rail gauge and tune from there. The MP8 is a great tuning tool. You will first need to learn and understand rail pressure.....I don't think its intelligent to throw lots of pressure at injectors without understanding what exactly is going on $.02
Get a rail gauge. You will see it working. The knob is suppose to be that way. It like a reostat. It works in %'s.
chevyguy said:
Big Swole,
This is Randy from TS. Give me a call at the shop and I will be more than happy to answer all the questions you have. If you call the shop and I am unavailable, any of the guys there can help you out.

Thank you sir. I will definately call you and ask some questions.........I am pleased with the extra power at WOT.......Worth the money for just that bit!!!
sootman said:
Get a rail gauge. You will see it working. The knob is suppose to be that way. It like a reostat. It works in %'s.

I will have to get one soon......Thanks man..........BTW, I got your msg. and I'll be intouch for the sticks and dryer!!
you can never go wrong with the mp8, so get the rail pressure gauge and tune from there.....