

New member
Dec 5, 2007
i was looking in the intake tube on the filter side of my 6.7 and saw a grid of some sort, my guess is to guide the air into the turbo. Has anyone taken it out yet, i know it wont do much put but every little thing helps right lol
sounds just like in 5.9's.
get a sawzall and cut it out.
6.7 it just pulls out no need to cut out and it is a lot easier there is also two of them, the other is on the elbow and is white.
i was looking in the intake tube on the filter side of my 6.7 and saw a grid of some sort, my guess is to guide the air into the turbo. Has anyone taken it out yet, i know it wont do much put but every little thing helps right lol

Removing grid helps in what ways. Higher Flow, more Turbo Sound? Curious because I have wanted to remove it and can't find any info to warrant the removal.

It's not an air silencer, like on the 5.9 so what are the benefits.:thankyou2: