Introducing Sophie the unofficial Comp D Mascot!


Staff member
Jan 22, 2007
Now that I have introduced myself, I would like to introduce you to my little girl Sophie. She is the bomb-diggity. At almost 2 years old, she is still my favoirte! (don't tell my dog)


More photos in gallery...
Ahhh there she is.......the little rascal herself!! I love coons man, my fiance had two little ones for awhile, I miss them little boogers!
I checked out the pics, but I liked this one the best of the truck Stack%201.jpg What are those victims of a smoking?
Noreaster said:
I checked out the pics, but I liked this one the best of the truck View attachment 1948 What are those victims of a smoking?

I wouldn't say "victums of a smoking" per say as only those who DESERVE soot get soot. :st:

I saw that sticker online and had to have one. I cut off the X-wing fighter picture as I figured no matter how many things I did to my truck I would never be able to catch an X-wing. :rockwoot:
partsguy662 said:
You don't have sexual relations with that coon, do ya? :hehe:


Well there is a certain amount of claw marks on my back and scratches on my arms when I play rough with her, but Ummm....NO! I would never expose myself to her....not unless I want it torn off! She loves grapes and walnuts, so it is better to keep the boys hidden too. You are one sick puppy! She does lick my mustache as her way of saying "thanks for feeding me", but my little girl giving me kisses is hardly considered "sexual relations".

You ain't right!
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4x4dually said:

Well there is a certain amount of claw marks on my back and scratches on my arms when I play rough with her, but Ummm....NO! I would never expose myself to her....not unless I want it torn off! She loves grapes and walnuts, so it is better to keep the boys hidden too. You are one sick puppy! She does lick my mustache as her way of saying "thanks for feeding me", but my little girl giving me kisses is hardly considered "sexual relations".

You ain't right!
I see you've met and came to the same conclusion everyone else has on Partsguy...:hehe:

That's a pretty well fed coon ya have there- what's she weigh in at?
RacinDuallie said:
I see you've met and came to the same conclusion everyone else has on Partsguy...:hehe:

That's a pretty well fed coon ya have there- what's she weigh in at?

Yes, we've met. I think he sniffs too much brake cleaner. :blahblah1: LOL

She weighs in at about 20-25 pounds right now by guessing. I haven't attempted to weigh her lately. This picture shows here size but this was also taken almost a year ago.


Another great picture of her when she was little turd.

cool as hell
i had a lil one for a few months, found him sitting in the road but he was to old when i got he, he was a mean SOB.
My friends had one for years and though it got it's mean streaks it was like having a dog, i hear you have to get em when there eyes are closed
Do they make good pets?
Do they use a litter box? What has to be done to coon proof a house? Seems like they would get into everything
I love 'em. They are smarter than any dog or cat could imagine. We found her when she was about 4 weeks old, eyes and ears still closed, on the highway. Her mom was hit by a truck and we couldn't just leave her to die. We bottle fed her for 12 weeks, then soft baby food for 4 weeks, the to dog food with lot of grapes, nuts, and berries. The funny thing about these creatures is that when they are small, their mom licks there behinds to make them go both #1 and #2. So, I had to use a warm damp wash cloth and make her go for a while. When I did this, I did it holding her in a litter box. Once on her own, she never went any where but in that box. :woohoo: It worked!

She now resides in a huge pen outside our house. She plays with the dogs and really loves life. We figured if she ever got to mean we'd have to do a soft release (provide her shelter, food, and water, but leave her free to go when she pleases). But she is happy as a lark and love both of us, my wife probably more than me. She lived in the house when we still lived in town and you are right, there ain't nothing you can do to "coon-proof" a house. What is hers is hers and what is yours is hers. If you wanted to change the TV channel, you best wait until she is done playing with the remote. They are very possessive creatures. Do not try to take something from them if you like your fingers and arms. However, now that she is outside in her element with a big water pond and a huge hollow log, you can do almost anything with her without making her made. She'll play-growl at you if you take her food when she is eating but she doens't mean it anymore. I play with her everytime I feed her just so she stays nice and calm. She loves our bassett hound Cledus. She plays with his ears and scratches his back. It is a site to see.
4x4dually said:
Yes, we've met. I think he sniffs too much brake cleaner. :blahblah1: LOL

I often wondered why one can felt lighter than the other when I went to NAPA.....LOL :hehe: LOL
RacinDuallie said:
I often wondered why one can felt lighter than the other when I went to NAPA.....LOL :hehe: LOL

Maybe it's carb cleaner, I really can't pin-point it. That B12 will give you a heck of a hangover I hear!:hehe:
Thumbs up from Vickie- LOL

4x4dually said:
Another great picture of her when she was little turd.


I showed this to "mrs.duallie", and her heart melted...... She said Sophie is really cute, and oohs and aaahs:hehe:

Then we seen the pics in your members gallery of the lil rascal:rockwoot: :thankyou2:
RacinDuallie said:
I showed this to "mrs.duallie", and her heart melted...... She said Sophie is really cute, and oohs and aaahs:hehe:

Then we seen the pics in your members gallery of the lil rascal:rockwoot: :thankyou2:

I wish they'd stay little like this. They sure are a bunch of fun watching them learn to do things and fall down a lot.
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4x4dually said:
I wish they'd stay little like this. They sure are a bunch of fun wathing them learn to do things and fall down a lot.

wathing? :hehe: I've never seen a hairlip type before I guess....