is J & H the last event?


more hp than you
Apr 15, 2007
just wanted to know if J & H is the last event for us left coasters. truck may or may not be ready but i will be there with a truck, mine or not to race but wanted to know if there were any other events on the west coast other than the j and h one?
Lets hope its not the last event in Cali/west coast.

Point of Clarity: The Nor-Cal Rally isn't an NADM event. Do not let that dishearten you. Those guys at J&H work their tails off for that event and though I've never been I hear its a rockin' good time. I'll fix that 'never been' here soon.

If you feel like driving north a bit, check NHRDA's schedule out. They have quite a few in the north west.

For more info on the Nor-Cal event, check the thread down in general competition events.
Amish... are you making out this year to J&H?

Adambluedually- God knows you need events to get to instead of doing that ilegal street racing crap. Grow up boy! LOL :hehe:
amish i know this is not a nadm event, i thought when i posted in the thread about diesel organizations, it would be addressed to all lol, sorry about that. hey ang, i would rather be street racing then not racing at all. i do what i can with what i got lol. give me a call later today ang, talk to ya later.
Ahh, no problemo. Since it was in the NADM subforum I (mistakenly) assumed you were referencing it as an NADM event. Just wanted to make sure if you tooled up the truck expecting NADM rules and found otherwise when you got to the event it wasn't an issue... or various other sticking points that could come from lack of clarification. :blahblah1:

Those J&H Guys are good folks, discuss away...
sweet thanks alot man, seeing as my truck may not be done for the upcomming event, i sure wanted to make it to another this year just incase. thats a perfect one. plenty of time to make sure everything is ready. thanks agin