Is my htt 66/71/16 to big for my p-pump setup?

Light It Up

New member
Oct 22, 2008
Ok what do you guys think about my turbo with 250hp sticks,#0plate,afc gutted,181 dvs. I know with the gutted afc im gana have to be careful to not put out the fire early but other than that how does it sound? I thought about mabey a small shot of :nos: or running water meth. I also have the new billet HD cam so that should help a bit.
i plan on using my htt prostreet 66/71/14 with my ppump converison, unless i can sell it to get an S400.
Il just see how it runs i guess. Any of you guys want a 5" down pipe? I plan on making a few.
Jack black. Il get the materials and see how long it takes me. Are you interested in one?
possibly. ive got a few other things that are higher on the list. but id like to have a price since you know how to make them.
What will you use the truck for?If your daily driving,dyno drag racing dont gut the afc. Those injectors are reall big and will prob be way to much fuel
hey CL.. how those injectors work out for ya? like the write up on adams truck in diesel world. sorry to thread jack
sorry changed the message cause i remembered that was your name! i thought it was but wasnt sure at first.
They work great. But im done with that motor its 12v time. Its hard to get rpm out of the p pump 24v.They are by far the best injecors I tried. No matter what injectors and timing it will not make power over 3000 rpm and the people I have talked to that have dynoed say the same thing.
The guys really into it did the same thing as me did p pumped 24v and wanted more so they went to 12v
They work great. But im done with that motor its 12v time. Its hard to get rpm out of the p pump 24v.They are by far the best injecors I tried. No matter what injectors and timing it will not make power over 3000 rpm and the people I have talked to that have dynoed say the same thing.

have the pump bench has nothing to do with the 24v head. I know of lots of high rpm 24v's with p-pumps.
I dont think it will help, I know of someone else that has the same problem. And he tried a big pump on his. They feel pretty good on the street but when I pull I can get 3500-3800, but on the dyno the power falls off good over 3200