Is the '07 turbo better than the early '04


Toy Hauler
Sep 28, 2006
I found an '07 turbo for $250 in like new condition. Would it be an upgrade or give me more air than what the stock early '04 will give me?
KBennett said:
I found an '07 turbo for $250 in like new condition. Would it be an upgrade or give me more air than what the stock early '04 will give me?

Yeah, it'll be bigger. Any turbo off an 04.5 and up will work. The later ones are about 62mm.
To use any 04.5 and newer stock turbo you'd have to remove the electronic wg assembly and convert to the mechanical/pressure setup found on your motor.

Short version: you got nutin' to plug the electronic WG into on your truck.
htt62/71/13 you will like it. plus its worth the good investment

actally if you getit i dont know how hard it is to convert them over to manul waste gate. search around hopefully more people will chim in.
if the waste gate isnt plugged in is it normally open or normally closed, i would assume closed? i use to my tst to limit my stock charger at 35, so it goes off of the MAP anyway. so really you wouldnt need to swtich housings if you didnt use the wastegate anyway, right?