Is your primary wrecking your secondary?


New member
Apr 22, 2007
Those with twins or twins experience, is your primary's boost wrecking your little secondary? Mine looks as though the turbulant air being forced into the secondary is causing the compressor blades to rub the housing badly. The blades are actually starting wear away.

I talked to HTT today about rebuilds and I was informed that it is quite common for the primary's boost to affect the secondary, if it is not built sufficient (aka large enough bearings, etc.).

Just wondering if anyone has had this problem?

Thanks, Tim.
You are correct, the pressure on the nose of the secondary will rapidly accelerate the wear on the bearings as compared to "normal" arrangement. My HX-40 has been on top for 2 1/2 years and is in need of a service because the compressor seal is seeping oil. I would say a routine checking of the secondary's condition is part of owning a twinset. JMO.
banshee, (I know this is off topic so, sorry but) are you runnin an HT3B on bottom?
banshee said:
You are correct, the pressure on the nose of the secondary will rapidly accelerate the wear on the bearings as compared to "normal" arrangement.

After seeing the damage to mine, that is exactly what happens. Something I wish I would have considered and others should before going with twins.