Isspro Gauges Present The Northwest Diesel Nationals

Whatever you will need that to come around me in the points division 1 is mine.

In 2006 we had a 16 race season. I led the points for the 1st 14 weeks. Mike Fox caught me in week 15. We were paired 1st round in the final race. Mike won the race and the championship.

Moral - Don't count your eggs before the chickens are hatched.
I'll be the guy with the camera tomorrow, so shine up your rigs!
Waiting so anxiously like a little girl in a candy shop! leaving in 2 hours
Getting ready to pick up the tons of giveaway stuff at the ISSPRO offices, then start setting up the BBQ! Gotta run a couple of errands then heading down there. Didn't see very many diesels at the test & tune last night, but I ran 14 passes in my Jetta getting reacquainted with launching a 5-speed.

Had a few drinks in the hotel parking lot late last night with the G&J Diesel crew, and got to impersonate a GPS giving Malcolm turn-by-turn directions when his GPS tried to take him on a non-existent road.

Michael Pliska
You did pretty good too concidering you sounded likectou had a few. Thanks again for the help. See you later today.

Sounds like we are going to have a great turnout. The weather is awesome , off to wash truck and trailer and then head to the track.
Just leaving the house now, be there in a half hour or so...... looking forward to some fast racing :)
Mark Ventling won SuperStreet and Malcolm Cross won Prostreet. Michael set new personal best for Dirty Max, but I'll let him post the times,a couple of passes in the 8's, and one was low 8's and 2 over 150 mph.
Mark Ventling won SuperStreet and Malcolm Cross won Prostreet. Michael set new personal best for Dirty Max, but I'll let him post the times,a couple of passes in the 8's, and one was low 8's and 2 over 150 mph.

Smoked the lights on the last pass.
Ken, where were your trucks? I was hoping to see them there. I have video of that 8.205. Like was said though, he smoked the lights.
Thanks to everyone who came out for this event! I slept in a bit this morning, it was after 1:00 by the time I made it home!

Congrats to Ryan (MadMoose) on the race win and the championship! You deserve it, you ran some really great races. Ryan took me out 2nd round by 0.008 seconds, it was a heck of a tight race! Mark and Malcolm were running great as well, congratulations!

Yes, it appears we smoked the lights on that last pass. I'm curious if someone has video, to see if it was my smoke or Malcolm's that stayed in the beams. We usually don't smoke that much at sea level, but with the weird changing wind we had it could have blown it back at the lights. Looking at the incremental times we probably ran about an 8.70 or 8.75 on that pass. First pass out of the trailer was an 8.83 @ 150.3. Second pass we had a boost line blow off the wastegate, and the coolant overflow line blew off as well (I suspect the boost line was whipping around and pulled the coolant line off). It got a bit loose in the top end, and ran something like a 9.04 @ 144 (but at 400 RPM higher than the 150.3 pass due to tire spin).

Did anyone get video of the last pass, including the burnout? I think that was the longest burnout I have done in DirtyMax, I know I went past the concrete! I'd like to see the launch too, we were definitely carrying the front tires a way out there! It was good to know that there was nothing wrong with the truck chassis. At the last event it kept trying to turn right on the launch, but I suspected it was the bumps in the track rather than anything in the chassis. Portland is a very smooth track, and the truck stayed nice and straight (even when dumping water on the tires).

As far as the event, we had a great spectator turnout, and a decent truck turnout. Given all the smack talking that was on various forums before this event, both about racing and dyno numbers, I was a little disappointed that there weren't more trucks on the dyno. Based on the keyboard cowboys I had requested permission for the dyno to run as late as 10:00 pm, but they finished much earlier than that. We had a bunch of ISSPRO employees volunteer to run the free BBQ, and we fed several hundred people. Thanks guys (and gals)! Vidara (our Aftermarket Sales Supervisor) stayed until the very end to be our trophy girl as well, she was a trooper (especially posing with all the hot sweaty diesel racers) ;)

Michael Pliska