Ive got the 350 w/ the 650 front end


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Names Tim. I found this site looking around on the web for a place to possibly sell this front end on my truck. Figured ill get involved in a little diesel fun. Anyways my trucks an 03 F-350 with a pissed off 6.0 ltr engine. Turbo, exhaust, chips, intake, etc. Havent found a track yet to see what shes really got but i think ill start at the dyno shop. If anyones wondering bout a 650 front end swap on a 350 just ask. I have all the info and would be glad to share. sorry cant get photos up yet program wont let me. Ill keep trying
nothin to brag about

My truck isnt anything special under the hood but im not really big into the diesel racing or anything like that. forum said to describe a little thats all. Dont gotta be smart about it or anything. But thanks wasting the time to tell me that.
maybe so me front ends pics
ive got an 03 550 that if it fit right an look good id be interested in swapping
also im looking for some 22.5 wheels to upgrade from the 19.5 ones