J&H Performance NorCal Diesel Rally 2009

Dang, I was gonna try and pul some vacation days to make it out there and bring the puller!
this sucks i was so planning on going just did a few mods to my 1st gen...man i hope all the local sled pulls hang in there.
It does suck, but I think this is cancelled due more to late/poor planning and scheduling conflicts then the economy, the rest of the hooks for the year are still a go as well as some new ones.

I dunno.... I sure hope so.... but somethin smells fishy in birmingham boys.
Are they gonna try and re-schedule???

I think they tried to re-schedule, that didn't pan out either, so it's off all together. I think they are doing a day at the race track or something though.

It would be nice if they chimed in here and said what's up to those who helped the event suceed in the past. After all they started the thread :)

Sorry to hear about this.
When they scheduled this event, someone forgot to check last years schedule to see if this would conflict anyother pulls. This weekend is the same weekend as Sanora. They had already given away the weekend they uaualy us for this event. From what I hear, most weekends are already booked (Redding Raceway).
I'm sure they are as upset about this as we are.
I took this off of J&H's web site.

Dear Diesel Enthusiasts,

Earlier this year we announced the 2009 J&H NorCal Diesel Rally: consequently, due to several circumstances beyond our control we regret to inform you the 2009 Nor*Cal Diesel Rally event has been cancelled. Please accept our deepest apology for any inconvenience this may cause you.

We thank you for all your past service and participation in this event and please know that you have been an integral part of the success of this event. We appreciate all your spirit of support. We will do our best to keep you updated and answer any questions you might have. We will continue to take part in the diesel shows this season and look forward to seeing you there.

Again J&H would like to apologize for any inconvenience. We wish you and your family an awesome summer full of adventure and good health.

Best Regards,

J&H Performance Diesel

Harvey Grant
Joel Gooch
Well, that too bad. Other than being hot enough to fry eggs on a rock, it was a great event.