jeff jenkin`s 6.0 puller who kno`s about it???


Common RAILHER!!
May 27, 2007
ok so there has been a thread on it way back when last year but it seems there is more people here that might know more about it???? here is a link to some vids... every time I see these I absolutely drool:bow:

1. is he running a big single or twins?? by the air horn in the grille some would think twins???
2. what kinda rpm would you think he`s turning?? it sounds like alot from the vids...
3. I believe innovative has some tuning with this truck from a post last year he replied and said " i know this truck well....
4. just how big would you think those sticks are? and see how well he cleans em up....
That thing sounds like its running at least 4k rpms. Its past the point of the typical 6.0 cackle and into a range of badass you dont hear until over 4k.
i noticed on some other videos hes had that intake horn on the driverside and it didnt seem as powerful, then later it was moved to the passengrside and thats when it seemd like he added a couple hundred im guessing compounds and some bigace injectors
i noticed on some other videos hes had that intake horn on the driverside and it didnt seem as powerful, then later it was moved to the passengrside and thats when it seemd like he added a couple hundred im guessing compounds and some bigace injectors

if they switched to twins that class is limited to a 3.2 bottom charger or unlimited single
wonder what he is doing for oil to get to those big ass injectors.
i believe he lives out my way and yeas his wife is the driver and yeas twins i saw him at a pull out here
He might not be running out of oil. And if that thing making rediculous power with big turbos and fuel then he has done something to the heads and cam. If it had say a set of 200s and the guy got the motor right to get the turbo moving he would be sitting at 700 or more hp.
I have seen that truck run, probably in 2006ish, definately remembered the paint "scheme" lol. Thing is nasty and I am pretty sure that he was running a single turbo then.
Me likey! Fueling one of these things is about to become a problem of the past.
It's definitely a sick truck. I don't want to give out any info without talking to Jeff first. I'm not sure how gaurded he is about his setup.
i noticed on some other videos hes had that intake horn on the driverside and it didnt seem as powerful, then later it was moved to the passengrside and thats when it seemd like he added a couple hundred im guessing compounds and some bigace injectors

When I last saw it at Jefferson it was on the drivers side.