Jetta TDI ????'s

Swamp Star

Go big or go home
Nov 7, 2010
Well my wife is tired of her 04 Z71 Tahoe(soon to be for sale) and is ready for another small car, and she really likes the 06 TDI manuel Jetta. So I got to looking around on Edmunds and there is 10 negatives to 1 postive about them. Seems like LOTS of clutch failure, injection pumps killin the motor, bad cams and electrical nightmares.

My question is, is the newer body style 05's anygood? She dosent really like the older body style's but I didnt find to much bad about them, and you can buy them right. Any help is appreciated.
You're finding alot of BS. The 04's and up have unit injectors, no injection pump. Injector problems are very rare with them.

Clutches are the same dual mass flywheel crap everyone has been using for a while now. Tear it out and put a trusty single mass flywheel and clutch in there. Once you put a better clutch in, get a tune and wake the thing up :ft:

The only major problem the unit injection motors have is a tendency to eat camshafts. They were ground wrong from the factory. Pull the valve cover at every oil change and check for wear. Colt Cams has a fixed cam for them for about $350.

If I found one for a good price, I'd buy it in a heartbeat.
It appears the 09 and 10 are having CP3's that are self destructing.
South Bend makes clutches for the TDI's and they come with replacement flywheels. ;)

Check out for more info on TDI's.
the mk5 body style tdi's had head issues as stated before buy my knowledge was that the premature camshaft failure was due to incorrect oil being used. regardless. they are great cars and mine has served me well for the 40 thousand miles I've owned it. I don't think you will be disappointed by it. but just to be sure i would visually check the cam prior to purchase. I have not heard any noise about clutch failure.. Keep in mind that I have the previous generation car to the ones you are looking at with a different motor so I am not as well versed in them as I am with the alh motor (best diesel vw has made IMO) so if you have any questions about those motors and cars I would be better able to answer.

dunno if that helps,
Thanks for all the info. I am really tryin to push her on a 04 and under, its workin a little seeing how we could sell her Tahoe and buy one cash for around $7500 give or take. The 06+ are in the neighborhood or 12-13k, but that is for one with around 40k miles. I was really hoping to hear good news that yall have told me other than some stuff you find on google. Thanks agian.
I think a lot of the "issues" come from abuse on the engine. I own 3 TDI's currently. A stock 01, a modded 01, and a stock 06. The 06 has 75k miles without a single issue. Use full synthetic each oil change, keep up on general maintainence and you will never have a problem, I wouldn't hesitate to buy another 06+ either, I love it.
I'm in agreement with wbrown.

I have had several TDI's the latest is a 2000 Golf with an Auto trans.

Larger injectors, bigger VNT17 turbo and a 3bar map sensor and holly crap!!

I installed ARP head studs also..