Jit scam artist

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It's plain as day not the same pump. Also I marked the pump I shipped and documented that and that is also in the police report. It's very strait forward. If he shipped the right pump he would of got his money no problem and this thread wouldn't of happened. But he did not. He shipped a pump back that's not even close to the same. IT'S NOT EVEN THE SAME COLOR. I shipped a black non remanufactured pump. I received a BROWN pump with a remanufactured tag on it off a case IH going from the numbers.
On let's say I was 100% wrong and he didn't get the pump he wanted. I told him to return it and I'll refund the money not a big deal. PAYPAL said return it and they will refund the money. Did he? No he returned a different pump. So weather the pump I even sent is right or wrong it's still the same situation.
Will it change the outcome of the story if he answers? Mack is just going to say he is lying the same as JIT will about mack.

I'm not siding with either one, both stories could be considered shady.

I agree, I'm looking at the silence on the matter as a major factor. Pretty much admitting guilt IMO. After 4 pages and several callouts on that specific question.........

did you ship him the pump that you had advertised or was it a different pump? If it was not what was advertised, I could understand him not wanting to ship it back on his dime (shipping pumps isn't cheap and he may have felt you wouldn't also cover that charge in the refund?). As much as it sucks, if you sent the wrong part or not as advertised you should pay for return shipping. In either case, him sending you back a different pump is a chitty move on his part.
Everyone ask yourself this question. If you were in his shoes and you did ship the right pump back and I called you out that you shipped a different pump. Would you..

A) Call BS and at minimum say you shipped the right pump.


B) Sit back and ignore everyone questions
The pump I advertised was the pump shipped and documented. If it comes back marked as I had it and documented and is not right I would refund ACTUAL shipping not the excessive amount he wanted that is no where near what it cost to ship. As of now PayPal may require him to pay to have me ship this wrong pump back.
I would sit back and not say anything. No one on here is going to be the deciding factor in a legal case. No reason to say anything at all.
Everyone ask yourself this question. If you were in his shoes and you did ship the right pump back and I called you out that you shipped a different pump. Would you..

A) Call BS and at minimum say you shipped the right pump.


B) Sit back and ignore everyone questions

Look at his public profile. He hasn't even been on here since 3:24 p.m. yesterday, which is also when he made his last post on this topic. Maybe he has a job and doesn't have time to be defending himself in a he said she said argument. Besides all that, you said it's now a police matter so why did you even post this thread on here? Why not wait until the police/Paypal/officials decide and then post if you want to let others know not to deal with JIT?
Whether the originally shipped pump was right or wrong is no longer a concern. If it was the "wrong pump"....... Why in the fukk was a COMPLETELY different pump returned? There should be no further questions asked until that one is answered.
I would sit back and not say anything. No one on here is going to be the deciding factor in a legal case. No reason to say anything at all.

How about to prevent other people from getting the run-around in dealing with this guy? :confused: Sounds like a good reason to me, and I certainly appreciate the heads-up
Whether the originally shipped pump was right or wrong is no longer a concern. If it was the "wrong pump"....... Why in the fukk was a COMPLETELY different pump returned? There should be no further questions asked until that one is answered.

That's true, but how does anyone prove what was shipped?

If you read this thread you would understand. I have pictures of pump shipped, pictures of makings I made on that specific pump, pictures of completley different pump returned. If I was the one trying to do something wrong why the hell would I get the cops involved?
If you read this thread you would understand. I have pictures of pump shipped, pictures of makings I made on that specific pump, pictures of completley different pump returned. If I was the one trying to do something wrong why the hell would I get the cops involved?
Assuming you taped the box shut before you shipped it, all your pictures prove nothing since there's no proof that's what was in the box when it was sent out.
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