Jumpin' onboard.


New member
Nov 2, 2007
Afternoon gents and ladies. Been searching diesel sites and info for a few years and just found your site. Looks like a wealth of knowledge here. Seems like almost every aftermarket part you can purchase has been tested to its limits by someone on the site. Look forward to pickin' your brains and to meetin' everyone!
Welcome to Competition Diesel!! Home of the many broken, well tested parts.... LOL
Welcome to CompD, what part of AZ are you in? We are in Tucson. Let me know and I'll keep you updated on any meets happening around the state.
Ammo22, thanks and we're in Yuma. We stayed in Tucson "roughin' it" at Beaudry RV over Labor Day. Plan on coming back this winter to do the tourist thing out East of Tucson with the family.