Just rebuilt 2003 47re - no 2-3 shift at wot, sensitive 2-3 downshift


Not enough time
Jun 20, 2012
This is the 11th dodge tranny that I've built and the first time Ive had this issue.

At 1/3 throttle and half throttle it upshifts through all the gears fine, if it's floored the 1-2 shift is perfect, you have to lift for the 2-3 shift or the truck will rev out past 4k still without up shifting. So if you lift and get the 2-3 shift and let it shift into 3rd you can get back into the throttle (nearly to the floor) or it will down shift, the 3-4 shift feels good and you can keep it to the floor with out it down shifting . If your cruising at 55 and nail it it will drop down to 2nd.

I use the same trans go kit - tfdiesel

air tested it

played with the tv cable - it will shift at the right rpm if we have it so loose that it wants to flare the other shifts, which are perfect

Started off with pressure screw at 3.5 turns then tried 4 turns, then backer it off to 2 turns

Changed the tv spring back to stock- upshifts are a little earlier but the 2-3 shift issue remains

Re adjusted the bands- no difference

New gov sensor and transducer at rebuild

Sonnax billet servo cover

Billet accumulator

3.8 lever

Billet input from dpc

Dpc triple

Stock count alto red eagle kit - forward clutch .040", direct is .070"
Od brake clutch is .100" endplay is .055"
The truck has the s06 smarty, 120s, super b special.

This tranny was a core that my buddy bought used and dropped
Off. The seller said it was a running tranny when it was pulled.

I have a spare used valve body and was thinking about swapping the 2-3 shift spring .

Could the gov sensor cause this ? Weak direct clutch ? Tweaked 2-3 shift spring ?

Any input is greatly appreciated !

I had this same issue at the track one day. Mine was a tv adjustment that fixed it. I'm running a firepunk comp 3 with mvb. Lavon set me up with a turnbuckle setup to adjust the tv lever from the outside and not be a locked down and cut off tv lever like most mvbs are. Have you put a pressure gauge on it to see what pressure it's running in 2nd and 3rd with lockup engaged?

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I have not put my gauge on it yet. I've been through the tv adjustment from all the way tight - 1/16th play at the lever from bottoming out and then so loose that it flares between each shift but the 2-3 shift will happen without lifting off the pedal. I've always installed the trannys at my place but my buddy lives about 175 miles away and I dropped the trans off to him so he could install it- our work schedules don't line up very well. He messed with the tv adjustment from the top side and couldn't find the sweet spot . He drove down to visit this last weekend so I could try and drop the vb if needed.

I ended up adjusting from the bottom by tweaking the tv cable holder that bolts on near the tranny pan while he had the pedal floored, motor off. I just couldn't find the sweet spot, assumed and hoped it was the stiffer green tv spring that I had installed with the shift kit when I was cleaning/reassembling the valvebody. We put the stock tv spring back in.

It shouldn't matter adjusting from the top of the cable( the right way) or the bottom right ?

I usually have a problem with the trannies shifting to early.

One thing I remembered today - I assembled this thing a few months ago and I was looking the vb over one last time before I bolted it up. There was a spring pinched between the pt cover on the valve body. I loosened the cover and poked the edge of the spring in and tightened the cover back up. I may have answered my own question ... I should have pulled the cover all the way off and took a deeper look.

I won't get a chance to work on it again until 2 weeks from now as the truck is 175 miles away again.
Could a bad governor solenoid cause it ? I've read about them being bad out of the box sometimes