Karen gets more plastic surgery!!!!

John Robinson

New member
Dec 29, 2006
The old girls body just wasnt what it used to be....She had a few holes knocked in her & was starting to droop a little in places so in usual fasion we spent a little more money on her & she was happy once again!!!


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Treed......Dont know what that means? Does it have something to do with me posting right behind my buddy with the same agenda?
I don't care who posted it first, it is beautiful! :cheer:

New skin might even pick up a tenth or two. LOL

Looks absolutely fantastic.
Looks awesome!!! Is it just me or does it look like someone used photoshop or microsoft paint and blotched out a spot below the windshield? It just looks that way.
She looks awsome John!! Can I take her out for Supper one day?? :Cheer:
Would Have Looked Good If They Would Covered The Huge Hole In The Hood Where The Blower Goes!!! aND WHERE THE ZOOMIES WHERE AT!!!
John I'm coming out for the race on Oct 10 I have to see it in person LOL