KDP jig, anyone?


Old fart
Jul 18, 2006
How come I cant find this elusive jig anywhere?
I dont really want to remove the cover would much rather drill, tap and insert a bolt to hold it in....

links anyone?

Crap, that e mail bounces...

Anyone have a differant e mail or #?

Forrest Nearing said:
use the tab method... more thorough and effective IMO.

That's all fine and dandy if you are pulling the case which we are not.

What makes the "Tab" method "more through and effective" in your oppinion?

A bolt through the case is just as effective and less evasive by a LONG shot.

you don't have to pull the case... just the cover. then you can re-torque all the loose case bolts that can have a tendancy to back out/fall out.

if the dowel pin has backed out very far and you hit it w/ the drill bit, you'll have to pull the cover anyhow to drive it back in.

you can put a new front seal on it at the same time. and you don't have to wait on shipping :)
Well I can agree with that I suppose.
I ment cover not case in that last post.

We are however looking for the least evasive way to make sure it doesn't happen to this truck. Doing the bolt instead of the tab is about a 1 hr job maybe.
Pulling the cover is over an hour before you even get to the pin.

BTW, this engine was just rebuilt so there are no loose bolts (yet). Yes we asked the mech about the KDP and got a blank stare in return. This is why we are wanting to get it done now.

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