Kottpa 2.5 vid

Kink in the chain. Wish it didn't happen. As soon as it let go it really killed the truck over on power. Thought I broke the hitch or an axle or something, but didn't find anything. It drove home great too.
Well sad but true its getting a make over next year , heck I think he even might buy me a good pump one of them Lopy things lol
Those trucks all have a sweet whining turbo sound.:drool1:

I am curious whose white truck, dodge I think, was that, that stopped or lost traction then went to full traction or WOT?

It looked like the truck was going to break in half or brake the rear end off.

It hurt just watching that.
Lynn what was you rpm when you came out of the hole.

Lynn what was you rpm when you came out of the hole.


WFO... Should be round 4500-4600 (going to put a gas cluster in sometime). Dropped down to just below 4k going down the track.

It just don't sound like it is running that high shure is working the motor alot harder with the taller gears.

For some reason Tanners truck will shut down if it hits just past 4K rpm (p-pump 24v), then once it falls down so far it will pic back up. Thats why it looked like he lifted then back into it. Its done that since he has owned the truck.
I told him to try something to fix that I think it will work