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I bleed Scarlet and Grey
May 23, 2007
Here's some pics of my new stacks, just curious what you think of them. I know they're a bit different and I've already got various opinions from friends. Just wonder what you think. Go ahead Chris, tell me they look like crap!


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I like them closer together like that, but I agree with Daniel, mitres would be much better

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Yes, It's a fabricated box, its interesting to here you guys say they should be mitered as I've heard strong opinions both ways. I welded some angles inside the box for baffles but don't think they did a whole lot. I've got a few other tricks up my sleeves to try an get rid of the drone.
i love that look only thing i would say and maybe it is the camera angle it looks like the stack start really high and can see the box. i would have a lower profile box and have the stacks even with the cab and mitre them then i think they would look killer. if i do stacks i will do them close together like that.
BTW, isnt your 13.47 E.t. faster than what chris has ran? It must be the stacks. LOL
:hehe: Don't tell him but that was without the stacks. But even then that's not that big of an accomplishment- we all know Chris's truck is slow!:poke:
:hehe: Don't tell him but that was without the stacks. But even then that's not that big of an accomplishment- we all know Chris's truck is slow!:poke:

Including me...I'm just good at throwing money and parts at a truck, and then never making any power with them. Must be the BBS!

you need more rev gain chris, and maybe some new piston return springs.... you're just not spending money in the right places you see :) j/k

Where did you find the 6" straight cuts?
They were used miters that were stained and chrome wore off on the top and I just cut them flat. My original intention was to make them mitres again but I liked the flat so I left them.
Is it the camera angle or are they not centered........And im more of a miter cut guy myself.
Its the camera angle, they are centered.
Where did you find the 6" straight cuts?

We have 6" straight cuts in stock right now.

Look's good C-ya...I agree with the rest of them, miter's would probably look a little better. What's the lenght of those? We have some 6" x 30" miters that reduce to 5" O.D. if you're interested....
We have 6" straight cuts in stock right now.

Look's good C-ya...I agree with the rest of them, miter's would probably look a little better. What's the lenght of those? We have some 6" x 30" miters that reduce to 5" O.D. if you're interested....
If IIRC, the height is "cut 'em a little more" and "yep, that's good". :hehe: