Launch of NHRDA TV, 2008 SEMA Show


New member
Feb 19, 2008
We went to the 2008 SEMA show to meet with both current and potential sponsors alike. We met with MBRP, TS Performance, Banks Power, SCT, BD Performance, HPC, AFE Power, Snow Performance, and Diablo Sport to name a few. We learned that lots of new and exciting things are coming from various manufacturers in 2009. If you want a sneak peek at what’s new, you need to click the link below!

Click to Watch NHRDA TV

We would also like feedback on the New NHRDA TV. Like it, hate it, what you would change?

Thanks guys. I enjoyed the events I attended up here in the east.:clap:

I'll have to report back on NHRDA TV. Really like what I've seen so far. The interviews are a great addition. Time to go eat!!!!!!
I enjoyed the interviews, you guys touched on pretty much every vendor I would have liked to speak to, but I didn't have to wait in line, or fly to Vegas to do it.
Nice guys. Looks good. To bad Grand Rock couldn't be there...I tried to get them to set up out there...but not this year...oh-well maybe next year.
Nice Job! N.h.r.d.a.

i put a link on our forum. nice addition guys.:clap: