Line lock for staging?


15 second Ford killer
Oct 10, 2009
So I just ended up with a line lock in a trade deal and it got me wondering. If I pull my abs fuse, roll into the staging lights, shove the brakes down hard as they will go, and activate the line lock will it work? Can it hold me there in 4x4 long enough for a sportsman tree to drop? If there a way to lock down all 4 brakes with one line lock solenoid or am I gonna need two? I searched, but couldn't find what I'm looking for :nail: I'm basically looking for a way to leave off a button, almost like a redneck transbrake, thats a lil easier on parts.
You would need two line locks. Never tried one with abs though.
I have heard of gasser guys using dual line locks (you need one each for front and rear). As mentioned above, it won't get you any more braking force, but if your goal is to leave off a button it will work. I'm actually thinking of doing it with a delay box on my slower gasser car, and running in the electronics class.
I use linelock(s) for the burnout on my 2wd. Thinking about a pinion brake to help staging (and not have to fight the weight of the truck or the gear reduction).
make sure you have the kind you can pump up... or set and pump pedal more to increase pressure.. it may help.... but gear reduction is a m fer on regular brakes