Live Load on a Mac? Anybody figure out a way?

Whats that mac software? Rosetta Stone. So you can load WinXP on it. Or VMWare so you can virtual machine it....
trial version of crossover, think it lasts 30 days, it should run liveload...
you don't with crossover! Its an emulator, it acts like windows, liveload would run within crossover colin.
OH HELL! I thought it was kinda like Fusion or Parallels where you have to buy windows. Where can you get the trial? For that matter, where can you buy it?
I love my mac until its time for a new SCT file LOL

I knew you were doing things right Colin hahaha!
once you go Mac you'll never go back! 
Best decision ever in the computer world for me... and yes, I am bummed the SCT software doesn't work on my Mac. maybe one day they'll change some protocol around and I won't have to leave the Mac for anything haha
Colin, Once school starts back up, Texas State bookstore has amazing deals on software for teachers and students and I gaurantee I could prolly get you windows very cheap.