

New member
Feb 11, 2009
I seen a few diesels that when they are at an idle it sounds like a harley setting there! I was told it was loaping. What makes it do this?
the most common thing that causes this is the pump cant fill the lines or build enough pressure at idle to have the injector fire completely.
easy way to have you truck do this is to put bigger lines and transfer tubes on it, but it will stall when you put into gear if its an auto
ive got an auto and it lopes pretty crazy i have lines, tubes, and big injectors, mine doesnt die but i do have to get it up to 1k or a little higher before i can put it in drive or it will die. and at stop lights you gotta put it in neutral and you constantly gotta power brake like brake but keep it above 1k and its a pain wouldnt suggest it for a daily driver like mine.
I run a HRVP and .078 tubes with my DTT and coming to a stop the truck is lurching until it comes to a complete stop. The idle will bounce around about 50-100rpm. Turning in a parking lot can be tricky if it starts loping hard cause the power steering pump will start locking up. I don't recommend it at all. It's a giant pain in the butt.