lock switch wiring ?s


Tire Destroyer
Jun 7, 2008
well im gonna be putting a lock up switch on my truck tonight and had a few questions.
1. Radio shack had no 33ohm resistors so i bought a 47ohm resistor can i use this or do i need a 33? im no wiring man :bang LOL
2. The resistor go's on the ground wire of the switch correct? Thanks in advance!!
I just finished mine last nite, but I haven't road tested it yet. If I understand right you don't need the resistor if you remove the trans. relay under the hood and jump it. Go over about 3 pages, find my post about this topic and check out Justice4all's link he provides to Cummins Forum. It's every thing you need to know, even has pics. for the simple ones like me :)