Logant = bad buyer!


New member
May 16, 2011
He bought a motor an other parts off my brother over 6 months ago an still hasn't paid for it all. When we ask him about it he says he don't have the money. I understand if he don't but how can he afford to go buy a dirt bike?? Then he goes and talks bad about us on facebook. Felt like I needed to warn everyone to not have any dealings with him.
Hey Sorry to hear that. btw speaking of selling...can you PM me a couple pics of the 6.1 roller motor he has for sale? Thanks.
Wheres Logant. this needs to be resolved quickly. I dont care if someones been on here since the beginning. you dont phuck people over.
Probably because user feedback and buyer/seller feedback sound like the same thing to a newer member.
It's moved now.
Or does it belong to crop insurance too? talk about a thief... pshhh look at yourself buddy.
Listen here alex my grandmother has nothing to do with this. My whole family gets out and works everyday to pay for the things we have! What stuff we have is all of ours my grandmother is the one who pays all the bills so if you wanna think it's her money than go ahead because I guarantee you that her being 63 years old still works harder than you or Logan ever will. I don't understand why y'all feel the need to talk so bad about us. We let your brother take that motor from our shop trusting that he would pay for it like a friend would do. And If you haven't noticed the weather here recently but it's not been a very good year for crops there buddy. That's why us farmers take out insurance to cover our a$$es in tough years. People who live in glass house should not throw rocks!!
Whatever, y'all are just a couple of punks who have everything paid for and one day you're gonna get yours and I'm just gonna be standing and laughing. You know where to find me if either of you feels big enough step out from behind a computer screen that someone else pays for and speak man to man
Go get that sh!t back fight for what is yours. Who cares what they think of you and your family. If you didn't do anything you have nothing to worrie about. Watch the movie walking tall then find a piece of wood and go at it.
Whatever, y'all are just a couple of punks who have everything paid for and one day you're gonna get yours and I'm just gonna be standing and laughing. You know where to find me if either of you feels big enough step out from behind a computer screen that someone else pays for and speak man to man

This really shows what kind of people you and your brother are. I try to be a nice guy and help your brother out because he was short on money and without a truck and then I get screwed over. The money was one thing but the slander is another. You didn't see us running our mouths about you guys. I simply just wanted my money. I couldve easily done the same and bashed you but I tried to be respectful. But now f*ck the money. I'll see you boys soon. Real soon