Look out, the computer moron just showed up


New member
Aug 19, 2008
Hi, I'm Chuck Brock I live in Glen New York originally from Mich. I'm a dairy farmer and I work nights at the county jail to support my farming habit. Right now I drive a 03 F350 6.0 but to me trucks are like women, I like them all. My computer typing skills suck so be nice
Welcome to CompD! Sucky typing skillz are ok on the boards, but should you venture into chat, be prepared, it's gonna be like merging onto the autobahn in a yugo.......
Great, just what this place needs...more morons! :hehe: However; we'll accept anyone who pulls teats for a livin'! WELCOME MILK MAN!!!! Anyone who works at 4 and 4 deserves respekt! :D
Here now....that's king jackass not moron. However my high school mascot was the "maroons"...don't ask what it is...some kind of "spirit" or something. :hehe: