Looking for Cam testers.

Hamilton Cams

Jun 28, 2007
I am looking for a some people to do some testing on some new and existing grinds in the central Texas region. I would really like it if you currently have a Diesel Pro or a maxspool camshaft to do some comparison tests. I would need your truck for about two days. If you like how the truck performs after the swap, you get the cam..............FREE. If you don't like how it runs we will put your old cam back in it. To put your name in the hat PM me and put cam test as the title of the pm. We are making a push to make sure we have the best products possible.


Zach Hamilton
I would love to take you up on the offer, but sadly i'm in Idaho. I would be really interested to see how it stacks up against the H2 in my 12v.
we have already done the H2 comparison, now we are looking to do the maxspool and the diesel pro, sorry. We can start testing the H series if anything new comes out. When you PM me please include your mods.

What about a tester in Mississippi? Lol I run your springs cant wait to hear about the cam..might be spending some more money haha
dammit. one more good reason to move to texas.

good luck with the testing,

I'd love to try one, i dont have an aftermarket cam though.

i would gladly drive to central tx.
Now this sounds like a sweet deal!

If you ever want to do a comparison of Competition cams...Im running a Haisley Sled puller. Make it as big as you want, I got a lot of valve relief in the pistons!!!!
I'd Love to try one as well........right behind bsmith though. I don't have an aftermarket cam???
I will be in Round Rock From the 29th of May until 11 June, Truck is bone Stock though... Too bad...
Boss- That is actually a great idea. After we do street comparisons, I would love to test some of our bigger stuff against the competition.

Mighty Goat- Didn't you say you would be open for some testing?

If my transmission wasn't tore up I'd love to try one of yours out! Dang weak azz 5 speed! LOL
If I get my work truck bought the 6th I'd send my 01 down! When do you need it? I still have the stock cam in it though.
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I'm in Little Rock. I've got a big, nasty, ugly Scheid cam that required fly cut pistons and .020 thicker gasket.
Damn, my truck is perfect for one of your cams with a big s468 single but I live in Delaware:(. Want to make a trip up, I'll supply the tools lol:p
Zach if the tranny wouldn't have let go I was about to put a cam in the 04 and do before and after track results, I will get a couple of good runs with the stocker and change to a Big Stik and post new track times. It'll have to wait a while now...

wasn't that fairly expensive trans that was supposed to have everything billet in it? Who the heck would do that to you? How much was spent on it? Sorry to hear about that jared.
Nearly $16000 now but it has all the right parts now, now I can go fast....(er)