Looking for DT466/530 swap info for SuperDuty


New member
Nov 13, 2008
I am very interested in doing a DT 466 or 530 swap (along with the donor vehicles transmission) into my 99 Superduty. I have found a little information but no "how to" sites or detailed information.
The information I am interested in is motor/transmission mount fab-ing, firewell modifing, as well as other swap related information.
The engine I am interested in is the non-electronic engine and Allison transmission.
If anyone has information on this swap I would very much appriciate it.
Thank you.
Thank you for your input, after reading the link that you sent to me it seems somewhat vague - but I did get some useful information.
It looks like I am just going to have to do a lot of measuring, cutting, and trial and error to get this accomplished.
Thanks again for your input.
Just as well put the 570". The size is the same as far as phisical.
if you use a 570 you got to use the dash cluster, steering wheel, and all the wiring and to read ECM codes you got to have an Navistar EZ-Tech......good luck with all that.......i just took a crash course on the 7400 series based Navistar Defense International Maxx Pro Amblulance MRAP this week......stick with a mechanical 466 or 530 for the ease of installation......
Thank you, but I have no interest in doing a 570 swap for that very reason. Altho I didn't know the extent of the of the electronics, I prefer the mechanical pump engine.
Thanks again
After thinking about this I think a better swap would be a dt360 engine.