looking for guidance


New member
Sep 14, 2009
has anyone ever organized an event? if so where to begin what should i be aware of? i just got quotes on dyno and sled rental for a day. how is the best way to go about finding sponcers? what do i need to take in to consideration? any help would be great thanks
Get lots of people to help you in organized fashion, the community behind you, and have patience.

Posted to compD via my magic four place toaster.
Plan way, way in advance. Events take a long time to get together and the longer you have to promote it the better your turnout and sponsorships will be. Are you an individual or do you have/work for a shop?
Getting a legitimate well known organization behind you will help greatly.

Posted to compD via my magic four place toaster.
individual also work in sales for an equipment upfitter but this is on a personal level for lack of events in my area and a large diesel following that we have here i'm planning for next and like i said ive already got a price on a dyno and a sled with scales for a day
Go for it, and you are in IL. I may be of assistance.

Posted to compD via my magic four place toaster.
Next step is to find a location that can and will handle the event.

With the cost of location, sled and dyno you have the bulk of your required expenses. Then you can tell sponsors what you need.
Next step is to find a location that can and will handle the event.

With the cost of location, sled and dyno you have the bulk of your required expenses. Then you can tell sponsors what you need.

Location will be hard with the word diesel. Most assume drunken redneck mess and don't want their fairground turned into a trash filled mud hole.

Posted to compD via my magic four place toaster.
Location will be hard with the word diesel. Most assume drunken redneck mess and don't want their fairground turned into a trash filled mud hole.

Posted to compD via my magic four place toaster.

But you can't set anything up with out a place to do it. I have been fighting this battle recently. I spent more time calling tracks than I care to admit, and there are only three in a reasonable driving distance. Luckly we have not gotten such a bad rap here. The tracks love us, but the closest track is run by a dikbag. LOL
Better check into insurance for the event if you do not have a club running the classes that already has insurance.
Assuming it doesn't conflict with my schedule id be willing to donate my time. For food at the event, hit up your local ffa, 4h, lions club, or church. They usually jump at a chance to raise money for their organization.

Posted to compD via my magic four place toaster.
well i'm trying to get a location right on the state line in vermilion county i thought about having it out at the farm but parking would become an issue ive got 3 possible locations the sled is insured and like i said ive already got quotes on the sled w/ scales and a dyno for the day
now trying to come up with a good date to present to the boards of these 3 places and what type of interest will there be
Thinking Octoberish?

Posted to compD via my magic four place toaster.
Vermillion would be a good location I would think. Not too far from a lot of big names really either like Scheid or Fleece. Just throwing names out. I would be interested in going for sure