Looking for opinions...and possibly help.


Gun for Hire
Jul 27, 2007
OK, I know we have some fairly creative folks on here, so I thought I'd throw out my idea. Here is the back story: I bought 5 H2 wheels with 35" BFG At's on them with 0 miles for $600 off Craigslist...awesome deal, I know. I know I want to get the wheels powdercoated black since I hate shiny things, but my idea I have is to change the centercaps that say HUMMER on them to CUMMINS, or at least CUMMIN since they have alot of the same letters in the same places.

I want to know if anyone knows how I can fill in the H, E and R in HUMMER and make the E and R into I and N? I would play with the picture more, but I don't have Paint on my computer....I'm thinking that I can get some kind of epoxy body filler to fill the letters and then use a Dremel to VERY carefully re-cut the letters in? Or maybe a small mill? The caps are chrome plated/painted plastic too....so cutting or milling should be easy. I have 7 centercaps also, so I have 3 I can mess up trying to get this right. The last resort is to just fill in all the letters and leave the big "C" in the middle in red maybe? So, am I crazy, or does anyone think this can be done? Opinions? Here is the rest of the stuff I bought too...

How thick are the plastic caps? I think a mill would cut right thru it.
How thick are the plastic caps? I think a mill would cut right thru it.

I'm not sure, but they are thick enough that the letters that are already there are recessed into the caps. So if I don't go any deeper than that I think they'll be fine. I have 7 centercaps, so I have 3 I can mess up before I have to get it right :D
Maybe go to a machine shop and have them machine new centers?
The cap looks to be one piece of plastic, so I'm not sure how a machine shop could do all the tabs on back and such....??? I'll take another look later though. I am half tempted to just smooth out the HUMMER and just get some UMMINS stickers made to go in there....wouldn't be as sweet, but would be easier, lol. Just have to be careful when I use the pressure washer to clean the wheels though.
Your plan is to powdercoat them after the logo is on them?
I would use a stainless screw and tap the wheel and use that to hold ont he new caps.
Go buy and talk to a local machinist, I'll bet a dollar to a donut that if you fill the letters not needed with a good filler and give them a smooth surface to work with they can machine whatever you want in there. Milling plastic is very, very easy. You would have to make sure that all the chrome is off of the piece though, it's a coating and when you start to cut with an end mill anything attached to the coating is going to flake off. Media blasting might be able to do it.
Yeah, I have the media blasting planned regardless what I do. I want them BLACK!!! Eventually all the shiny will be gone on my truck, just gotta go one piece at a time. I do have a local machine shop that has been hooking me up with odds and ends for my truck, I might go ask them about the lettering. I wish I had a mill of my own...used to have alot of fun with them back in machineshop in HS. Gotta go get me a router bit too to make the wheels fit my truck....can't forget that. Thanks for the help guys...I've got a few ideas that I wouldn't have thought of by myself.