WAO Racing

Get Smoked
Jun 24, 2006

The Looney tune w/lockup is hitting the limiter and acts crazy on shifting. Not sure if it is just acting crazy on shifting from hitting the limiter or not. The tune felt like the power was trying to come on way sooner than the one i currently run. Also please keep in mind i do have nitrous too, I need the tunes to stay safe for that also. Oh keep in mind the original Looney that came on the XCAL2 acted the same in shifting too, the one that was emailed to me first is the current one that i use. If you need any ?'s answered please give me ring at 843-812-3949.

Thanks You,
Good Morning Michael,

We're going to take a look at it to see where the problem is.

Yesterday I was playing in the rain and bounced of the revlimiter once before it could shift second. I think I should not play in the rain anymore. Love the way it went sideways though.
I got a VICTORY last night in the street. Raced a older body Grand prix that has 350-400 small block and he gave me 2 and the break, yeah it was a bye run. Beat him by a truck or so. Oh he did find the nitrous under the back seat, so i guess soon i will need to modify the back of the seat so the bottle will fit behind it in a supercab since it almost will fit. Funny thing is they think the bottle has propane in it so we just agreed w/them. They started crying about it so i told them its 7000# 4x4 work truck ,howfast can it be(? LOL), it needs all the help it can get for crying out loud. Ya, they bought after they thought about it for few min. Needless to say a few of us got to split his 600 several ways.

My Looney file is running just fine guys and all I have to say is

HIDE THE CHILDREN cuz this thing makes some power:ylsuper:

Thanks Vivian and DJ!:woohoo: