looney tunes


New member
Feb 2, 2009
Hey everyone new to the site. Just have a question i bought a used sct tuner and the tunes on it are looney c6, looney m8, and looney dyno. i loaded the c6 on to my truck and it works and hauls ass but i have no idea what tune is what so was wondering if anyone here had any idea since they are closed down now thanks Justin.
When you install the tune on your sct you name the files whatever you want. I'm running dj's and have never heard of c6 or m8. I'm not saying they don't exist.
Yea i posted on PSN and i think thats all it is. just whatever you want to name them just wierd i think should of put what they actully are for.
if it were mine I wouldnt run the looney dyno tune on anything but the dyno. someone told me that the dyno tune has to be loaded after the truck is on the dyno than you have to reload the street tune before you move again. just what ive heard
yea thanks i heard that looney dyno was pretty hard on the trucks on the street so yea wont be running it guess im gonna get me some innovative tunes since they seem to be the best thing going around now. i hear everyone is runningthem.
I'm running a custom dyno tune from DJ himself every day and i love it. No problems from it for almost a year. Great power and i get my best mileage with it.
i'm running a custom tune from DJ too....i had him come down last year and tune a bunch of trucks at a little get together i put on....wish they didn't close down cuz they we're a true pleasure to work with, but like you said i think i'm gonna go with eric now becuase i've got a good bit of new mods going into the motor as we speak so i'm gonna need somethin new