lopeing idle


New member
Mar 20, 2009
I have a customers truck which has unknown 200h inj. and a new hotrod vp from ind inj. new fass 150 150 it seems to lope hard at idle all the time. runs great off idle. any help would be appreciated. thanks
Back in the day I know that a few HRVP's had a lope to them.
Does it have stock lines and stock delivery tubes?
if its got diff conn tubes in it put the stk ones back in..it will help ALOT..if it dont smaller inj will...big lines and tubes will make it lope so hard it wont steer....thats bout all ya can do..cept get used to it...wife wouldnt even drive mine till i changed the tubes to the stkrs...it sounds cool but it sucks to live with
my truck started to lope once i put in my in my injectors (they were cheap ones).. and the fuel pump is pushing to much psi?
ok thanks. that is what I was thinking. I think the lines and tubes are stock but not sure. Seems like I got my self in a barrel full of *****es.
My understanding is, Hot Rod VPs are a crap shoot when it comes to loping idle. Some do, some don't.