Loss of smoke?


New member
Sep 13, 2011
I have an 01 that's ppumped that seems to have lost the usuall smoke still seems to run good but at high rpms it sounds like its screaming an has a slight tick and maybe a light miss I'm thinking the timing slipped wanted to get some input
I got some used tires here and pushed up some hedge trees today, prolly make Hella smoke.
I'm no ppump expert but thats what it sounds like to me. You need to get it set amd welded I've seen three trucks slip timing this year one slipped clear to nothing and wouldn't even fire.
I'm no ppump expert but thats what it sounds like to me. You need to get it set amd welded I've seen three trucks slip timing this year one slipped clear to nothing and wouldn't even fire.

Welded? Your kidding right?
Nope was there when my buddy did his truck put four tacks on it. Haven't had any problems ever since. Trust me when he said they were gona weld it I had the same reaction as you.
If it's starting like normal it probably didn't slip the timing. It sounds more like you're running out of fuel.
the fuel filter was just changed and my fuel pressure gauge still reads normal. I'm planning on doing the adjustable pump gear and cover this winter or maybe this week if this is the problem lol
I'm no ppump expert but thats what it sounds like to me. You need to get it set amd welded I've seen three trucks slip timing this year one slipped clear to nothing and wouldn't even fire.

i want pictures please
I'm no ppump expert but thats what it sounds like to me. You need to get it set amd welded I've seen three trucks slip timing this year one slipped clear to nothing and wouldn't even fire.

Your buddy is a phucking moron and you should be kicked in the nuts for even suggesting that someone else even do that. Is this genius on here so i can go ahead and ban him since he is obviously not ready for compd!!!!!!
Somebody needs to take away this guy's privileges of ever touching a ppump...

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Like I said I'm no expert Jus what i saw I no very little about ppumps. That's y i have a cr never Ben around them. And I don't believe so.