Lost my AFC banjo washer


New member
May 20, 2012
What are they made of and where can I get one besides the dealer. I live in BFE
They are a copper washer. 8 or 9mm I think.

Alternatively, you can take the top off, drill out the threads, rethread for 3/8" NPT, and make yourself a new line using Ace Hardware lines.
3/8" or 1/8"? I'm pretty sure mine is 1/8-27 npt since that's the only pipe tap I own haha
I will be 1/8" NPT. That does take out a lot of meat, though.

I know a guy that lost his and he used like some kind of teflon brake line washers.
My truck didn't come with any when I bough it and I used some in a kit from harbor freight. It works fine. Any copper crush washer roughly the same size should do the trick.
Make it! just a copper tubing and smash it flat then drill the hole the size of the banjo bolt then grind a nice edge around it!