Lost my Block


Nov 6, 2007
So i got a call from the Machine shop yesterday sayin my Cummins Block, Head and Crank were ready to be picked up.. Went in today to get my parts and they told me they were picked up yesterday.. So i asked who picked them up and they couldn't tell me.. So they gave my parts too... I have no clue who.. So I talked with the manager about the situation, and there supposed to be trying to get this problem fixed, But I don't know what i'm gonna do if they Don't get me my F$&#^ng Parts Back.. I'm a Bit pissed right now:bang
How do you just give away the wrong motor? Whuh thuh fuh?
Man I must go the the machine shop to much, they know me by name now. Is there someone that looks like you around town?
that's ridiculous!!! do NOT be afraid to be an ass in this situation. That's absolutely inexcusable!
Well I went to a Differnt than the usual Machine Shop, Kinda thinkin it was a mistake at this point...wonderin if there wasnt another Bob that had a engine there..but youd figure they'd try to give me his parts if they gave my parts away..I dunno
The good thing is they have admitted to giving it to someone else. The bad thing is starting all over if they can't find it.
I'd see if they can track down your stuff. If not, unleash heck on 'em.
Got a Call from the Shop today Asking the approx value of my Head, Crank and Block.. I told them $1000, Prolly less than i should have told them, But it makes me curious as to whats happening
Maybe $1000 dollars a piece! The block and a loaded 24V head from Cummins, was a $1000 each, when we rebuilt a #53 motor.
I only Paid $500 bucks for my '91 engine, but yeah i thought afterwards that i shoulda told them more..Oh-well
If nothing else, just make them replace the parts, even exchange. Walk out of there with a crank, block, and head just like you dropped off, instead of paying you for the parts.
Well the shop settled with me, I got a 1200 Dollar check from them and the say were even.. I accepted.. Time to scrap the idea or Restart