low boost?!


New member
Sep 20, 2009
Well I still seem to be having problems getting the boost i should have out of my truck. It currently has an hx35 on it with the boost line from intake housing to wastegate plugged. The p pump has a 0 plate 191s a 4GSK, and 150 horse injectors in it. I beleive i have enough fuel for that poor turbo to spin 40 pounds easy. I had around 22 on full throttle runs and it will flutter down a bit to around 18. I built a boost leak tester that just goes into the intake boot for the turbo and pressurizes the whole system and found my intercooler to be major junk a few tiny ones around the bolts on the intake horn. I have since replaced the intercooler and rechecked for leaks and cannot find any but the boost still stays in the same place as before. I also pulled the rear exhaust adapter plate off the back of the turbo and pysically inspected the wastegate and everything looks to be closed with no cracks i could see or anything. Any help would be great as i was really excited to have it "fixed" but it turns out its the same . Thanks guys!
plenty of smoke and I can get the egt gauge where ever I want it. I can take it from 600 to 1600 in a matter of 4 or 5 seconds.
bad boost gauge? not sure how the amount of fuel would compare but with just a smarty and a boost elbow i can very easily push 35 lbs. in my buddys 12v with a 0 plate and a 4kgs and a pluged gate will hit 35psi, 30ish with an elbow.
A chip before i swapped to a p pump. And I dont think the turbo is junk, It had 130K on the truck i got it off and it was bone stock. Took off my 66 and put a stock one on cuz I was sick of breaking parts and have had nothing but issues. I am going to try removing the wastegate actuator and put a really heavy spring in there. The boost fluttering down I am thinking could maybe be the wastegate opening and then bleeding pressure off?? I will let yall know when i try the spring. Just want this thing to run right again!:doh:
It sounds like your wastegate is coming open. If your boost goes up an then comes down a bit , that sounds like the gate is opening! Maybe the actuator is weak an cant hold the gate shut like it's supposed to? Just hook a spring up to the wastegate arm with the actuator in place! That should hold it shut!
Make a coupling to clamp on the intake of the charger and slowly add air and watch your boost gauge and check for leaks or see if the gate is prematurely opening:beer:
That is enough fuel for whatever boost you want to see, get a new actuator on that gate and try again..
Sounds like the wastegate is blowing open and shuttering!! Tie the wastegate shut or try taking the actuator off and tighting it down. If that doesn't seem to be working you might pull the turbo and inspect the pucks on the wastegate.