maddog madsen

not enoughsmoke

floatin in tha gulf
Dec 28, 2008
does any one have any good pics of his motor and maybe the specs on his chargers i have looked all over the internet cant find some good pics it would be greatly appreciated thanks
Already saw that there use to be a video I think it was the diesel stop where he took a guy for a ride and talked about it,can't find it now
does any one have any good pics of his motor and maybe the specs on his chargers i have looked all over the internet cant find some good pics it would be greatly appreciated thanks

He sold his big chargers on here last year. Check back in the classifieds
I met Richard at the bully dog day of summer in 06. Great guy and his truck was awesome on the dyno. Here's a few pics I got.

He ended up putting down about 950 horse that day.

9812Vctd thanks a lot man great pics. Do u know how many rpms his truck would turn? I am lookin to do some thing similar but probably a lot bigger in chargers
9812Vctd thanks a lot man great pics. Do u know how many rpms his truck would turn? I am lookin to do some thing similar but probably a lot bigger in chargers

Your welcome.....I have never heard how many RPM's he ran with that truck, and I remember hearing the turbo specs but was too long ago maybe someone else will remember.

What size chargers you planning on running on your truck?

Your welcome.....I have never heard how many RPM's he ran with that truck, and I remember hearing the turbo specs but was too long ago maybe someone else will remember.

What size chargers you planning on running on your truck?


some new custom charger somethin like A 68/83/.90 OVER like a 91/96/1.32 havnt decided yet i read that he had a aurora 5000 over a b2 dont know those specs
i know richard. his charger set up was a 76mm over a 118mm i didnt know that he sold them but i know his new chargers for his lightning are about the same. i think his bigger charger is a 121mm now
i looked at that ad that must have been an old set up because i remember him giving me the #s but oh well
i know richard. his charger set up was a 76mm over a 118mm i didnt know that he sold them but i know his new chargers for his lightning are about the same. i think his bigger charger is a 121mm now

he doesnt even have the lightning anymore.
You're a little small on chargers with what you've mentioned if you're trying to go bigger than Richard.

talked to richard yesterday he said his big bottom was a turbonetics 106mm and he is workin on something new right now for the old green ford