making oil


Fast, Cheap or Reliable.
Oct 18, 2009
well guys i have a 1999 24v p-pumped 175hp , colt stage 3, ddp 50hp, new connector tubes , head o-ringed , head studs , engine has 110 km on it, adjustable timing gears , timing is set now at 15 , fuel pressure is 40psi at the pump , fuel shut off is all the way up .

the truck smokes white bad all time , hot or cold , sits for more then for 5 hours system bleeds off and is hard to start . now i am seeing the truck is making oil

what should i be doing out of ideas
Double check timing, check oil/coolant, check for fuel leaks and maybe have injectors tested.

What do you mean by making oil?
Leaking o-rings on the injectors.

^^more then likely why its making oil.

A stuck injector could be your white smoke problem so i would be careful driving it much if thats the case. Double check timing first and set it to something decent, like 20*.
i put new o-rings on the injectors when they were out , just to make sure . i have checked the timing about 10 times lol , did drop valve for tdc , checked the timing marks line up on the cam and crank. making oil the truck is about half gallon over full now and it fuel in the oil . I wish this thing was mine i would set fire to it
i put new o-rings on the injectors when they were out , just to make sure . i have checked the timing about 10 times lol , did drop valve for tdc , checked the timing marks line up on the cam and crank. making oil the truck is about half gallon over full now and it fuel in the oil . I wish this thing was mine i would set fire to it
Try some different injectors.
I'm going with its probably the pump.. The pumps the only place where oil and fuel mix. I'm pretty smart with these things so correct me if I am wrong but I have never seen oil around my injectors period.
I'm going with its probably the pump.. The pumps the only place where oil and fuel mix. I'm pretty smart with these things so correct me if I am wrong but I have never seen oil around my injectors period.

If a injector oring was leaking it would pass return fuel into the valve cover. If the op is getting fuel in his oil it could be a few different things such as injector oring, bad 12v type lift pump, stuck injector or even the injector pump.
the IP pump was pulled off my running DD and had no issues as i thought it was the pump as well , i just got a set of stock injector i am going to install Tuesday see what that does , hopefully fixes the dam thing
well got the stock injectors in truck works fine now , so there going back , should i have them set p-pump or vp , whats the word on that ????

But, It really shouldn't be an issue of needing the injectors rebuilt. id look closely to see if there is an issue with the o-rings on the body's.
on the stock injectors i just put in the i used the same tubes and the o-rings off the injectors that would run right ,
found out what the problem the injectors were off . runns great now