Manual trans swap?

12v kid

Speed comes at a price...
Dec 19, 2010
Ok well im getting sick of my auto. Im thinking about a nv4500, nv5600, or a g56 whats the best way to go thanks.
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I didnt ask about a automatic... I asked for opions on a manual swap. Thanks any ways.
I would go G56 as long as youre not hooking to a sled with a bunch of HP. Its the best shifting manual i think dodge has.
Ok thats what i heard as well. Will the g56 bolt up to my to my 12v what bell housing would i use? Will my t-case bolt to the g56 and use my stock trans mount in the frame cross member? Sorry for all the questions at once thanks for the info.
yes and no. might want to use the old search button. it has all the answers youre looking for.