Manual valve body


New member
Apr 16, 2014
I will be going to a manual valve body here in the next couple of weeks and was wondering how I override the pcm? Do I have to buy a new computer from a manual truck or how does that all work. I will be going with a ratchet shifter and have a suncoast manual valvebody on order already am I missing anything?
Override what part of the PCM?

If you have a manual VB, the PCM won't be able to control anything, so it won't.
I installed a suncoast manual vb in my 47re and the pcm still controls OD I can only manually shift 1-3 then the computer takes of for OD. I installed a switch to ground the OD solenoid so I can shift in to OD when I want.
ok and then would I need to change the ecm? because right now my truck defuels inbetween every shift and from what i've gathered only way to get around this is to go manual valve body
What are you running for tuning? Arent you going to a 6.4 anyways? I presume you wont keep the VP so dont worry about what its doing now.
what year is your truck? None of these should be defueling when shifting. only tm in 1st and 2nd gear.
It's a 2000 and I can watch my boost guage drop right before every shift and it does a weird popping sound like it's defueling and yes I'm going to a 6.4 common rail but that will be a drawn out build and I'm starting racing this summer. Also I just really like manual valve bodies with ratchet shifters

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what rpm are you/is it shifting at? and what electronics?
I have a quad adrenaline and it does it no matter the rpm right before it shifts boost drops and you can feel it defuel. When having fun truck shifts at 3200 or so and just driving around like 23-400

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