Mercedes 190d

Well all the foreigners seem to have there cars figured out but no one sells parts. If you look up 190d on YouTube there's some bad cars on there. Or look up 190d hx40 the car sounds like a cummins kinda haha
Any idea how to turn up the pump on it? I've turned up trucks but that pump is beyond me
If you look up 190d on YouTube there's some bad cars on there.
The Finns have a long cabin-fever type winter to make all their parts.

Or look up 190d hx40
An HX40 on a 190D is completely useless. It won't spool up until 4500rpm and under that its gutless. The stock T25 is more than enough to handle everything the engine can make with that injection pump. When you spend the $1600 on a myna pump then an HX30 will provide all the airflow it needs to make the 250hp its capable of holding together for.

Any idea how to turn up the pump on it?
IP Full Load Adjustment Procedure for the MW and M pumps, pyrometer install
I don't know, the car just sounded good but I didn't think it would hardly spool it either. I'm new into these cars so that's y I sound clueless haha
You're welcome, and take lots of pictures while you modify!
145hp, with high exhaust temperatures at full throttle. Up to 160 with water/methanol injection.
there are some guys in europe that hot rod them...

i think basically they just slap on big turbos and injectors.

search youtube, youll find them.