Message board


Comp Diesel Sponsor
Sep 1, 2006
Diesel People, I added a message board to the Mumau Diesel website. Stop by and say Hello..... I wanna see how it works. Thanks. I am also thinking of adding on an store but that's above my skill level at this point.

Look to the bottom of the page to find the little button.
Are you going to be rude to customers on there like you are on here? LMFAO
Are you going to be rude to customers on there like you are on here? LMFAO

Ummmm.... Yes. Last guy I was rude to (some jackwad Ravens lover) send me more money than he owed. I think it works.:hehe:
What about the Steeler fan you beat out of $150 that hates Ravens fans!?!?!?!?

The Steeler fan should get the extra cash the Ravens fan sent!!!!:hehe:
What about the Steeler fan you beat out of $150 that hates Ravens fans!?!?!?!?

The Steeler fan should get the extra cash the Ravens fan sent!!!!:hehe:

Funny you should mention that, you see....
I could have maybe done that for you Gene old buddy, but being that I had to take extra time this morning to remove the porno link from my site I'm going with we're even.:hehe:
Porn???? That was trucks with tasteful scantily clad girls, nothing porn about it!