metal shavings in brand new exergy injectors??


New member
Dec 29, 2011
I have about 2500 miles on these Injectors, number four broke the fuel like and left me on the side of the road about a week ago. sent it back to exergy and Ty called me back and told me there was very fine metal debris magnetized to the injector... my thinking was the cp3 as it is the only moving part between the filter and the injector. but after talking to a couple people that rebuild these pumps they say the parts that normally wear are aluminum... which isn't magnetic, also, because it's a common rail I would think that it would've affected all the injectors at the same time?? maybe he is just trying to make his money back on the injector because he sent me a brand new one out of pocket. I had no problem with the fuel system before the truck got rebuilt? is it possible that a peice of the crossover tube could have broken off on number four and high pressure fuel broke it up? thoughts!??
could be, why wouldn't it have trashed all the injectors? or at least one at the ends of the rail, 1 and 6, why would number 4 be randomly picked to get "metal shavings" in it
Fatigue prior to separation of the line caused internal flaking that was carried to the injector?
that could be I suppose, I don't know how the metal lining would act but I guess from vibration could weaken the line and "flake" metal off, but that would've happened before it actually broke probabaly, the way fuel was exiting the line I don't see metal shavings going anywhere but out the break. this might be one of them deals you won't ever know for sure... but I don't think pulling all the injectors and having them checked and cleaned at 100 dollars a pop, buying a new cp3 would be wise, think I'm just going to ride it out and see if any other injectors fail? hard to troubleshoot what actually happened on that deal, the line has obviously been replaced now, things are runnin pretty decent, I was/am just worried that I could be replacing injectors soon, after I just shelled out 2800 bucks a month ago!
Seems prity simple if #4 broke thats where stuff going to end up. The line only goes to one injector so its not going to hurt any other injectors. If it was the line to the rail or something from the cp3 it could affect all if them.
Isnt that what injector tubes have screens in them for??? maybe a new set wouldnt hurt
Fatigue prior to separation of the line caused internal flaking that was carried to the injector?

I agree with you. I've seen it with Hyd hoses. Granted they're made of rubber but the theory is pretty much the same. Turbulence within a line will cause it to fail in time.
big misconception to... injector lines breaking!! make sure you put the hold downs back on the lines.. Ive seen it a million times... they will vibrate and break if not..
The low pressure side of the CP3.. or Wear parts are None metallic,If the GP gears are rubbing against the backing plate You need to take immediate action,to have it check out or its going to leave you stranded again.