Milled head + thin washer effects on timing?


New member
Oct 18, 2007
My head was milled .010 when I got it o-ringed, and valves were recessed .010 to compensate. I will be running either New Era 435's or DDP 2's(not sure which charger(s) I'm going to run now). 215 pump currently set at 5.4 mm plunger lift, 15* on stock motor. With the head machining and the thinner washers on the injectors, how much would that affect my timing with the current plunger lift? I'm shooting for 19*, what would plunger lift need to be for that? Thanks.
Anyone? I've searched but can't find any certain formula on how to figure it out. How much does .010 inch milled head along with thin washers increase timing at the same plunger lift? Thanks.
Your milled head and thinner injector washers won't change the injection timing. It may change what you need for optimal timing, because it will change the way the fuel burns in the combustion chambers.

Now what it should be, I can't tell you.
Not sure that you cant get the inj. so far down in the hole that it give you trouble? With a milled head you would prob. rather use the factory 0.060" washer. I just went to the 0.020" washers myself but im running a marine HG that is .100" thick, i was just tring to get back closer to the way it was suppose to be.
You have dropped the injector down further, which should allow you to run more timing without getting the pattern out of the bowl.
^^^^ what he said. I have a bunch milled off of my head and the thinnest washers and all is well! It just lets you run more timing without going out of the bowl.